Eco Sea Scooter Snorkeling

Explore the Amazing Coral Reef Coves at Kapalua Bay in West Side Lahaina. Cruise with a Maui Sea Scooter for this Eco-Friendly Coral Educational guided snorkel tour.

Days Offered: Thursday (5/22) & Saturday (5/24)

Departure Time: 8:15 am

Transfer Time: 10 min drive

Duration: 8:30 am - 11:00 am

Participant Requirements:

  • Children must be 10+ (10-15 must be accompanied by an adult and wear a flotation wet suit)

  • Weight limit: 275 lbs. or less

  • All participants must sign a liability waiver

Physical Requirements:

  • Must be able to swim

  • Must be in good health (no pregnancy or health issues)

  • Must be able to carry 20+ lbs of equipment


  • Bathing suit or athletic clothing that can be used underneath a wet suit

  • Small items can be left at the store (keys, phone, etc.)

  • Remove all jewelry

  • Closed-toe shoes are required to walk on the beach | long hair tied back 

  • Skin/ sun protection